FIFA Fever is over, thank God!
No more football related ads, football related promotions, football related special offers... football this, football that - Thanks to Fifa fanatic football marketing ...err.."gurus", it seemed that everything we do in our daily lives can somehow be related or attributed to football.
I hardly watched any games this round. I only saw two to be specific, they were horrible and I only saw them because I happened to be in a place that had ART. During the final game tonight, I was crossing the Gulf flying at 30,000 ft on my way to Kuwait. No ART there.
No offence Mr. Sholmz, and with all respect to the winning teams, but from what i heard, read and saw, sounds like this Mondial was pretty disappointing! :)
I hardly watched any games this round. I only saw two to be specific, they were horrible and I only saw them because I happened to be in a place that had ART. During the final game tonight, I was crossing the Gulf flying at 30,000 ft on my way to Kuwait. No ART there.
No offence Mr. Sholmz, and with all respect to the winning teams, but from what i heard, read and saw, sounds like this Mondial was pretty disappointing! :)
As far as I am concerned, it was the best WC ever!
Herlock Sholmes, at July 10, 2006 at 11:32 AM
Amen to that.
Tainted Female, at July 10, 2006 at 2:53 PM
In lieu of anything else to do I watched a bunch of games and the general trend seemed to be dull midfield slogs. Hardly any goals and certainly no standout players. Far too many cases of bad refereeing and players, big names even, collapsing at the drop of a hat. The 'Cup of Life' should be renamed the 'event with weak kneed participants'.
And the papers! The way the broadsheets had it, each game was 'amazing', 'breathtaking', et al.... Frankly, a better World Cup seems to have been played in the newspapers of the world.
In the end, I spent most of the games chatting with friends and family, rather than watch this crappy spectacle, and glad that I prevented Dad from paying protection money to ART for this baloney.
marwan, at July 10, 2006 at 5:43 PM
So now how am I supposed to fill my evenings? (Yes, I lead a dreadful boring life!). The beauty of the World Cup for me was having an excuse for a bunch of friends to get together almost every night....and now we don't have that anymore.
But I am happy that I'll now finally be able to catch up on some much needed sleep!
Dubai Sunshine, at July 10, 2006 at 9:23 PM
Coca Cola and Pepsi will still have World Cup promotions on their cans and bottles. At least for the future six months
1234dsfs, at July 13, 2006 at 7:59 PM
Best regards from NY!
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Anonymous, at July 19, 2006 at 8:12 AM
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