ring ring
Operator: Telefonat
Caller: Hi.. i just moved to a new house in the same building, i was wondering whats the procedure on transferring my ADSL account?
Operator: Fill application and bring copy of new tenancy contract
Caller: And how long would it take for the transfer?
Operator: Its crowded these days because of ADSL special promotion. Any application will take 3 to 4 weeks - maybe more depending on how lucky you are.
Caller: .... and since its the same building - i reckon there is no cost .. yes?
Operator: No. you have to pay 200
few seconds of silence
Caller: Thank you!
hung up
caller is thinking: 200 transfer fee + 1 month subscription fee without INTERNET = 390
ring ring
Operator: Telefonat
Caller: Hi, i have an ADSL account which i would like to cancel - is there a closing account fee?
Operator: No
Caller: Thank you
hung up
ring ring
Operator: Telefonat
Caller: Hi, do you have any special promos for ADSL account?
Operator: Yes, for new sign ups - no subscription fee, 1 month free
Caller: I guess it will take sometime to get the service set up because of the load due to ADSL promo right?
Operator: Yes - 3 to 4 weeks maybe less
Caller: Thank you
hung up
In Telefonat branch A
Caller: I would like to cancel my ADSL account.
Clerk: Fill application, sign here
30 minutes later
In Telefonat branch B
Caller: I would like to sign up a new ADSL account; the special promo.
Clerk: Fill application, sign here
ring ring
Operator: Telefonat
Caller: Hi.. i just moved to a new house in the same building, i was wondering whats the procedure on transferring my ADSL account?
Operator: Fill application and bring copy of new tenancy contract
Caller: And how long would it take for the transfer?
Operator: Its crowded these days because of ADSL special promotion. Any application will take 3 to 4 weeks - maybe more depending on how lucky you are.
Caller: .... and since its the same building - i reckon there is no cost .. yes?
Operator: No. you have to pay 200
few seconds of silence
Caller: Thank you!
hung up
caller is thinking: 200 transfer fee + 1 month subscription fee without INTERNET = 390
ring ring
Operator: Telefonat
Caller: Hi, i have an ADSL account which i would like to cancel - is there a closing account fee?
Operator: No
Caller: Thank you
hung up
ring ring
Operator: Telefonat
Caller: Hi, do you have any special promos for ADSL account?
Operator: Yes, for new sign ups - no subscription fee, 1 month free
Caller: I guess it will take sometime to get the service set up because of the load due to ADSL promo right?
Operator: Yes - 3 to 4 weeks maybe less
Caller: Thank you
hung up
In Telefonat branch A
Caller: I would like to cancel my ADSL account.
Clerk: Fill application, sign here
30 minutes later
In Telefonat branch B
Caller: I would like to sign up a new ADSL account; the special promo.
Clerk: Fill application, sign here
haha, i remember when those idiots installed my cable internet.
they put the box like 2 feet up the wall. so when i moved my bed, the cable lay on it. it broke 3 times, they replaced it 3 seperate times. finally i called them and SPECIFICALLY SAID "i would like you to remove the cable socket", yes yes, bla bla, he arrives "no, sorry sir, it's not our responsibility, e-vision takes care of this"
neglecting the huge-ass ETISALAT logo on the frikking thing...
i get pissed off. ring etisalat, "oh sir, you must come and sign XYZ form and PAY 100 dhs to move the frikking thing"
i get more pissed off
go to tool chest, take a hammer, and a screwdriver, dig screwdriver behind box and hammer away, problem solved.
samuraisam, at December 10, 2005 at 11:17 AM
You scoundrel!
Keef, at December 10, 2005 at 1:59 PM
That was beautiful. I have tears in my eyes.
Good job!
Le conteur, at December 10, 2005 at 2:30 PM
bravo Moryarti... kick them where it hurts!
BuJ, at December 10, 2005 at 3:41 PM
Another little piece of deviousness they specialise in.They reduce the rate and automatically upgrade you to the higher connection. To downgrade you have to pay.
But you showed them Professore. They dont call you MORIARITY for nothing eh!
*, at December 11, 2005 at 3:17 PM
Lool! are they that bad?!!
Jandeef, at December 12, 2005 at 10:09 AM
Know something? realistically speaking, they are not bad at all.
I do agree that Etisalat did take its time in rolling out some services that were available in other markets ages ago .. but as a telco, they are not bad. Their prices are fair (try using a mobile phone in Lebanon) and you don't have MAJOR coverage or technical issues..
I feel that Etisalat is treated like the only 'rich kid' in class who happened to have everything and all the other students hate him for it..
I think Etisalat is very happy that a new player will be in town mid next year - why? they need someone else to share all the heat with :)
moryarti, at December 12, 2005 at 12:55 PM
they are definately cheaper than australia for instance. but i know if my internet goes out for 2 weeks here, i'll be getting a refund.
samuraisam, at December 12, 2005 at 10:27 PM
See they dont call you a LEB, then you can bugger all forget a ny refund.
*, at December 13, 2005 at 9:05 AM
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