All the MONEY in the world to build IDIOTIC INANE INSANE projects. Never mind the labourers who will be involved will not get paid, a few will die during construction, a few more will commit suicide. So what they are only bloody wogs, a dime a dozen. But LOOK AT MY SHINY SPANKING NEW SHELTER!Papa's got a brand new bag!
Its ironical that the LADIES BEACH 3 years later is yet to show any signs of opening, the NAHYAN MOSQUE is still incomplete...... but the point is moot tis it not?
Well on the bright side the STICKER PRINTING companies will be happy, as all the "HO'S" will be using the booths for promoting their wares. kinda like the WEST END GIRLS.
How long before they all start breaking down, and all the bachelors currently living in their cars start hanging out in the bus shelters?
nzm, at February 8, 2006 at 11:05 AM
it is a shame .. isn't it
moryarti, at February 8, 2006 at 11:16 AM
It smells. Already.
CG, at February 8, 2006 at 11:37 AM
I really doubt that a busy shelter that fits 3, or maybe 4 people will be enough to encourage people to use the bus!
Dubai Sunshine, at February 8, 2006 at 9:50 PM
If they can build a highway through Emirates' Hills, it's nothing to take someone's front yard to make a bigger bus shelter.
nzm, at February 8, 2006 at 10:52 PM
I meant "bus" not "busy"...sorry :)
Dubai Sunshine, at February 8, 2006 at 11:01 PM
All the MONEY in the world to build IDIOTIC INANE INSANE projects. Never mind the labourers who will be involved will not get paid, a few will die during construction, a few more will commit suicide.
So what they are only bloody wogs, a dime a dozen.
But LOOK AT MY SHINY SPANKING NEW SHELTER!Papa's got a brand new bag!
Its ironical that the LADIES BEACH 3 years later is yet to show any signs of opening, the NAHYAN MOSQUE is still incomplete...... but the point is moot tis it not?
Well on the bright side the STICKER PRINTING companies will be happy, as all the "HO'S" will be using the booths for promoting their wares. kinda like the WEST END GIRLS.
*, at February 8, 2006 at 11:12 PM
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