Dubai Consumer Mirror

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I miss blogging..


Monday, March 19, 2007

Russell Peters in Dubai

I only have a few words: until last night, I never realised how long it has been since I last attended something that was that original here in Dubai.

The show was simply fantastic!

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Almost there...

Our landlord people informed us that we can turn on bedroom ACs only...

Nope, we don't have DEWA yet, but I think they found a way to power up half of the ACs in the building on the generators outside.

Believe it or not, in a very odd way, I do sympathize with the landlord and the project manager of this building. They must be getting flaming phone calls every minute of the day..

Anyhow, I can't say we are half way there, cause we are still off line. I did this post from work.

Oh one more thing,

I am 1 year older today :P


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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ideas.. anyone?

I sat on the balcony to do some (offline) work this evening. My super special and totally pimpped-out WIFI application was set on detecting public wireless signals. I didn't expect to detect anything 'cause our building is kindda standing alone and is quite a stretch from any structures in the vicinity.

To my surprise, turned out that there are a number of signals floating in the air. Some of them with decent signal strength; I think most are coming from that villa compound down the road. Occupants over there all look like rich bastards, I don't think any of them mind borrowing some bandwidth..

God damn it! Just got disconnected. i will complete this post offline.

Anyhooooo … As you might have already guessed; No Internet, no phones, and yup .. no DEWA - which means we still do not have ACs. It almost mid March, and we are still living off tiny power generators.

I've met a number of neighbors and none of them is happy to say the least.

We were thinking of signing a piece of people saying stuff like "We request and we demand...etc", but I don't really think that’ll make any difference.

Some thought of pressuring the landlord to acquire bigger generators to power up those AC units. It is still bearable at night, but during the day its like a friggen sauna.

Yours truly -typically thinking with the most scandalous agenda on mind- thought we should go to the press. Because paying an annual six digit figure for an average 2 bedroom apartment and NOT having utility services like, ummm.. Air Conditioning; could make a decent headline.
Especially when you are living a few meters away from the region's
Technology Hub.

One guy thought of going to see the Rent Committee people in Dubai Municipality ... everyone laughed at that one!

I don't know guys.. What do you think we should do?

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

More updates

Hi ..

How you doin?

Long time no see.

I know .. sorry about that..

Things have been a bit crazy lately. I've been travelling a lot. I am in Doha at the moment, waiting for my EK back to Dubai.

Have lots of stories to tell. I still have one more week of work-related wackiness to go; so by mid March, I should be able to pick up whats left of my sanity.

So, whats going on?

At home, we are still without AC. The project engineer actually explained why is it we can't have DEWA hocked up till now. It turned out that it was all because of a "situation" DEWA people faced while trying to lay down the Main Power cable all the way from the main Generator to our building. While workers were digging away, they came across a construction site of which the contractor was being a major ASS about removing his junk to clear out the way for the DEWA guys to stretch the cable. He was being such a mutha about it to the point our building contractor called the cops. Anyhow, after several visits by DEWA people, police and a couple of warning letters, it was all cleared and we should, according to the project manager, be able to get DEWA, Etisalat and all that good stuff sometime toward the end of this week..... Lets see.

Lulu is officially walking. I can't describe to you the feeling just to see her wiggle her cute tush and her arms flying around everywhere. I miss her soo much.

As I said earlier, work has been really crazy. Everybody who is somebody in the company decided to drop in Dubai this week. And Yours Truly was assigned to look after their agendas, needs and egos. Not only that, they are moving around all over the place and I have to tag along. Bottom line; I ended up visiting 3 different countries 5 times over a period of 10 days. I still have a couple of more cities to cover. It should be over soon.

Also, there has been some internal movements at work as well. Its seems that some big Kahuna in Corp noticed that Yours Truly gotz some skillz, so he wants me to have a bigger role, wider goe-coverage responsibility and - dig this- wants Yours Truly to report directly to him.

Now, here is where it gets a bit tricky. It is the same Kahuna who my direct manager reports to. I don't know how that will make him feel, but I can feel that the love is NOT in the air.

Remember "C"? Well, she actually resigned and is on her way to a more "recognising" job. So, my boss already lost one good member of his team and another one is being snatched away.

I don't know. Lets hope i don't get caught in the middle of inter-office politics mambo jumbo.

I've been to Jordan last week. Spent a few days there. Though I really wanted to, but I couldn't go to Amman. I really wanted to meet up with some friends there. I feel bad. I hope I can make it up on my next trip. Anyhow, more photos/posts will be dedicated to Jordan.

Doha is an interesting place. I have mixed feelings about this place. I will try to be as objective as I can be. Again, more dedicated Qatar-posts should be coming your way.

I hope I can get Internet at home soon, so that i can resume normal blogging.

Miss you all ..

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