Only if you mean it...
I've always taken the "happy new year" wish for granted. Something you automatically say when you talk to someone, or add in your emails or SMS's starting the last week of December and almost halfway till mid Jan.
I don't think i will anymore. Not after 2008.
Jan 2nd started with the sudden death of a really close friend of mine. He was in his late 30s, successful, loves life and armed with a sense of humor thats one of a kind. I had dinner with him few weeks ago. We were supposed to have breakfast in my place when he comes back home from his travels. I never thought that that would be our last dinner ever.
I will miss him.
I was still in shock by the loss of my friend when few hours ago, my brother SMSed me saying that my grandfather passed away in his sleep today. I haven't seen Jeddo since 2002. This year, I saw him for a few hours. He met my wife and daughter for the first time. He was a wonderful wonderful man.
I don't know what to say really... One thing i know for sure, if you are wishing me a happy new year, i hope you mean it.
Rest in peace Sofian
Rest in peace Jeddo
I don't think i will anymore. Not after 2008.
Jan 2nd started with the sudden death of a really close friend of mine. He was in his late 30s, successful, loves life and armed with a sense of humor thats one of a kind. I had dinner with him few weeks ago. We were supposed to have breakfast in my place when he comes back home from his travels. I never thought that that would be our last dinner ever.
I will miss him.
I was still in shock by the loss of my friend when few hours ago, my brother SMSed me saying that my grandfather passed away in his sleep today. I haven't seen Jeddo since 2002. This year, I saw him for a few hours. He met my wife and daughter for the first time. He was a wonderful wonderful man.
I don't know what to say really... One thing i know for sure, if you are wishing me a happy new year, i hope you mean it.
Rest in peace Sofian
Rest in peace Jeddo