So what if?
Thank you Mr. Makdizzle for bringing it up ...
A round trip ticket for a quick 48 hrs get-away in Kuwait - Dhs 1,125/-
A Cold grilled chicken sandwich in stale bread with a chewy date sweet thingy - Dhs 15/-
Watching the Air Arabia flight attendant telling the 6 year old kid to place his bag in the overhead cabinet and actually waiting for him to do so - PRICELESS!
Its a shame that we live at the centre of the region's advertising industry and Public Service Advertising (PSA) here is so little, its almost non-existent.
There are so many issues in the UAE that really needs to be addressed by either the government, private organizations that are trying to build a "corporate governance culture", or both public and private sectors together.
Yes, we do have issues here. They are affecting everyone: Nationals, expats, women, men, children .. they all suffer from issues like racism, drugs, DWI, profiteering, bad traffic behavior, illiteracy, health care malpractices, pollution and the lack of good citizenship. Take driving for example..
Every year, Dubai Police runs a "safe driver award" campaign from time to time. I truly commend the efforts. But why is it that we see death-on-roads is still on the rise?
Dubai Police is addressing a problem which the entire UAE is suffering from.. Such a campaign should be on a federal level, running all year long and endorsed by the private sector (especially the advertising/media moguls).
Advertising and media industry in the region is a disgustingly lucrative multi-billion dollar industry that (with few exceptions), have been doing nothing but ridicule our intelligence, mislead our purchasing decisions and jacking up tag prices for the past 30 years.
I call on those advertising/media tycoons to take a short break from bragging your palm villas, Austin Martins and Cuban cigars and do something good to your community for a change…
Here are some of the things that can be done:
These are some ideas .. I am sure we can do more ..
When you don't allow people to change lanes, though traffic is moving at 2 kmph
When you think you can give people the finger and get away with it (thanks Secret Dubai)
When you think you are "cool" because you are not wearing your seat belt
When going at 120kmph, you don't feel comfortable unless you can clearly read the fine print on the back windshield of the car ahead of you
When you only bully Sunnys, Corollas, Echos or any on wheels that are manufactured before 1990, and leave the mercs, beemers and other pimped rides - because you are being "a mature driver"
When you, after reading this post, feel that you relate to at least 3 out of any of the above.
المغفور له بإذن الله
الشيخ مكتوم بن راشد آل مكتوم
تغمد الله الفقيد بواسع رحمته وأسكنه فسيح جناته وألهمنا جميعاً الصبر والسلوان
وإنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
Thank you ..
My first bus ticket in Dubai
Seriously, I do encourage everyone to take DM's Public Transport buses from time to time. Help reduce car condensation on Dubai streets, give your nervous system a break from the Sunny's and the Cruisers, help make the air less polluted AND save lotsa $$$..